Posts Tagged ‘type 2 diabetes’

Foods To Include In A Diabetes Diet

Foods To Include In A Diabetes Diet

Being diagnosed with a condition like diabetes is not the end of the world. People can still live a relatively normal life by following a program to better manage blood sugar levels. This includes having to follow a diet designed for diabetics. There are different types of foods that are ideal for someone with diabetes. Here are some which can be included into the day-to-day diet. Oatmeal Oatmeal is also an essenti
Researchers Discover Potential Target Gene for Treating Type 2 Diabetes

Researchers Discover Potential Target Gene for Treating Type 2 Diabetes

UK researchers have discovered a gene that may be involved in the destruction of insulin-producing pancreatic cells that may contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes. Scientists from the Nottingham Trent University in the UK found out that by blocking a gene called TNFR5 can effectively stop the destruction of cells in the pancreas known to produce insulin. This can lead to a potential target for the treatm
Diabetes Reversal Seen In Microorganism Changes In The Gut

Diabetes Reversal Seen In Microorganism Changes In The Gut

Experts have linked the cause of diabetes to a number of different factors. The quest for a cure still seems elusive because researchers have not yet been able to hone in on what may be the main cause of the said disease. But as they discover different things about diabetes, they get to learn more about the disease and hopefully will bring them to finding a cure someday. One of the recent discoveries regarding diab
research work

Diabetes Treatment Also Able To Treat Alzheimer’s Disease

Researchers from the University of Aberdeen suggest that drugs used to treat diabetes can also be effective in treating Alzheimer’s disease, and vice versa. The study is also the first of its kind to show that Alzheimer’s disease can also lead to diabetes and not just the other way around, as most scientists previously thought. The findings were published in Diabetologia, the journal of the European Ass
Exercise- Mimicking Molecule Key To Future Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

Exercise- Mimicking Molecule Key To Future Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

Researchers from the University of Southampton in the UK have developed a key molecule that can mimic the effects of exercise in the body. This may prove to be a potential target for developing future treatments of conditions such as type 2 diabetes and obesity. The findings were recently published in the journal Chemistry. Ali Tavassoli, a professor of chemical biology at the University of Southampton , along with
Sugary Drinks Associated With Increased Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Sugary Drinks Associated With Increased Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Type 2 diabetes has been associated with a number of different factors such as obesity, lack of exercise, smoking and many others. What you choose to drink may also be associated with type 2 diabetes risk. While sugary drinks such as soda and iced tea have long been a known factor for diabetes risk, recent research shows that it may not matter whether you are obese or lean to increase your risk in developing the sa
Diabetes Drug May Reduce Dementia Risk

Diabetes Drug May Reduce Dementia Risk

Numerous studies indicate that diabetes may have an effect on a patient’s mental health. Patients with diabetes are known to have a greater risk of developing dementia in later life than non-diabetics. But researchers are not yet sure how anti-diabetic drugs may affect or influence the increased dementia risk. A current study set out to investigate this issue. The results suggested that people with type 2 dia
Toxins From Bacteria May Cause Type 2 Diabetes

Toxins From Bacteria May Cause Type 2 Diabetes

New research indicates that exposure to toxins from a certain type of bacteria may aid in the development of type 2 diabetes. Scientists from the University of Iowa observed that rabbits exposed to a toxin produced by the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria also developed symptoms associated with type 2 diabetes such as impaired glucose tolerance and insulin resistance. Results of the study appeared in the journal mBio.
Increasing Fiber Intake Can Reduce Diabetes Risk

Increasing Fiber Intake Can Reduce Diabetes Risk

Adding fiber into your diet may just help cut the risk of developing diabetes. Researchers in a study suggest that consuming high dietary fiber can help reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The findings were recently published in the Diabetologia, the journal of the European Association of the Study of Diabetes. Researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Cambridge University and
Study: High-Energy Breakfast, Low-Energy Dinner Effective In Blood Sugar Control

Study: High-Energy Breakfast, Low-Energy Dinner Effective In Blood Sugar Control

Blood sugar level management is important for people with type 2 diabetes. They need to control blood sugar levels to better manage this incurable disease. But it is always easier said than done. Certain factors tend to play out in trying to keep blood sugar to manageable levels. Diet seems to play a big role. But the make-up of a diet that will be able to effectively help control blood sugar is not that definite y