People Living In Populated Areas Conducive To Walking Show Lower Diabetes Risk

shutterstock_136787642 a href=httpwww.shutterstock.comgallery-578401p1.htmlcr=00&pl=edit-00SeanPavonePhotoa  a href=httpwww.shutterstock.comcr=00&pl=edit-00Shutterstock.comaDiabetes is a growing problem among many people around the world suffering from the disease. While there is currently no cure available, people can still manage diabetes to live normally to a certain degree. Current research is helping people to understand the disease more. One study for example, has indicated that people living in densely populated neighborhoods may face lesser risk of diabetes compared to people who live in larger expanses. This is with regards to how conducive each neighborhood is to walking.

According to researchers from St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, Canada, environment may also play a significant role when it comes to diabetes risk among people. Dr. Gillian Booth, an endocrinologist with St. Michael’s Hospital, and colleagues at the hospital’s Centre for Research on Inner City Health looked into how residential density and the proximity of walking destinations will affect the health of many residents in Toronto.

The researchers collected data from the Canada census, an urban transportation survey and a national health survey.

Findings of the study suggest that people who live in densely populated neighborhoods are twice as likely to walk, ride a bike or take the public transit. On the other hand, people who live far from many usual destinations such as grocery stores, supermarkets, and shops are more dependent on riding cars to go anywhere. In relation to this, the researchers found out that people who live in sparsely dense neighborhoods not conducive to walking are also 33 percent at greater risk of becoming obese or develop diabetes. Lesser physical activity as a result of limited walking activities may be a possible reason for the increase in diabetes risk. The study was published in the online journal PLOS One.

Source: St. Michael’s Hospital. “Living in densely populated neighborhoods can actually decrease risk of diabetes, obesity.” ScienceDaily, 15 Jan. 2014. Web. 19 Jan. 2014


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