Archive for the ‘Health’ Category
Diabetes and African American
The disease that is diabetes became an unnatural cause of death among African Americans at the turn of the century. By 1993, however, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics, death certificates listed diabetes as the fifth leading cause of death for African Americans aged 45 to 64, and the third leading cause of death for those aged 65 and older in 1
Fasting Blood Sugar Level
For health organizations such as the American Diabetes Association, they emphatically claim that "there are 20.8 million children and adults in the United States, or 7% of the population, who have diabetes. While an estimated 14.6 million have been diagnosed with diabetes, unfortunately, 6.2 million people or nearly one-third of the population are unaware that they have the disease".
There are approximat
Diabetes Diet Plan
If a person has diabetes, it is very important that the person’s diet is closely monitored in order to properly maintain the blood sugar levels. There are a lot of differing philosophies regarding what is the most ideal diet for diabetic patients. Here are a few guidelines that will help a patient have an idea of what type of diet he or she should be eating.
People who have Type 1 diabetes will be needing an
Having a Healthy Pregnancy with Diabetes
This dreaded disease of diabetes is an illness which affects the blood sugar levels of a person. If a person is diagnosed with diabetes, that means that the amount of sugar in that person’s blood is much too high for the body to cope with.
The body simply cannot generate enough insulin for it to use up the sugar that is present in a person’s blood or the condition could simply be a manifestation of the
How Diabetic Count Calories
If you have been diagnosed as being diabetic, then a healthy regular lifestyle is necessary for you to be able to maintain your blood glucose levels. There should be regular exercise, a sensible weight control program and most importantly, a regular, balanced diet.
As with all diabetic conditions, it is not so much the cutting down of sugar that is important but the maintenance of a balanced, healthy diet. Here ar
Diabetes Diet: How a Low-Carb Diet Works
For diabetics, lifestyle changes are pretty common. One of the most significant lifestyle changes that a diagnosed diabetic will go through is a dramatic change in diet habits. One of the things that a diabetic must look out for is the amount of carbohydrates that he or she takes in each and every day. That is because if their carbohydrates increase, their blood sugar levels also proportionately go towards the same
Common Diabetes Myths – Part 2
The first part of the diabetes myths tackled the some of the common preconceived notions about diabetes and how it affects children. This article is a continuation of the dispelling of the different myths that people might have of the dreaded disease. Whatever myths that you are holding onto regarding diabetes, read on first. You might learn a thing or two about what the disease is really about.
Myth 1: If diabetic
Common Diabetes Myths – Part 1
The reality is that diabetes is something serious. It can be hard on the families because they are called to cope with an array of adjustments that will mostly be permanent for the rest of their lives.
It will only be appropriate for the diabetic or people who might get the disease to know and discover the facts behind the disease. There are different things that ever person should know regarding the disease and h
Diabetes Medicare Coverage
Every state has a responsibility to its citizens. The US government does this by providing Medicare, the country’s insurance program. People may avail of Medicare health insurance ages 65 or older. There are however, cases wherein some individuals are given the privilege in particular to the permanently disabled.
Such program is very beneficial to individuals since having a Medicard helps with the cost of he
How Does Humalog Work
Knowing there is something wrong with your bodily functions can creep one out. Nobody wants feeling sick since everything seems to be an effort. Your activities are limited. One appear imprisoned because of his or her inability to perform.
Diabetes can just do that. A diabetic is pliable to so many complications that sheer disregard of the disease results to further body dysfunctions. Diabetes is mainly caused by