Posts Tagged ‘diabetes treatment’
Scientists Discover Link Between Biological Clock And Diabetes
Researchers have recently found that a type of protein that regulates the biological clock in mammals also regulates the glucose production in the liver. By altering the levels of this protein, scientists can improve the health in diabetic mice. The report is published on the advanced online publication of the journal Nature Medicine.
Biologists from the University of California San Diego may have discovered a new
Researchers Using Stem Cells To Treat Diabetes
Researchers are now trying to find a way of treating diabetes using stem cells. According to a new study, it may just be a step or two away. Researchers from Novocell Inc., a stem cell engineering company in San Diego reports that they may have found a way to convert human embryonic stem cells into insulin producing cells.
According to Dr. Emmanuel Baetge, chief scientific officer at Novocell Inc. and the primary
The High Cost Of Treating Americans With Diabetes
Data gathered from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) shows that US hospitals have spent $83 billion caring for diabetic patients in 2008. in the same year, about one in five hospitalizations involved a patient with diabetes.
The amount mentioned is 23 percent of what hospitals in the US spent overall to treat all conditions in 2008. This includes costs associated with 540,000 diabetes related h
Research for Type 1 Diabetes Treatment Seeks for Participants
The Sanford Project has recently began a research study to determine whether the medications can rescue the few beta cell that remain after the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes; and whether new beta cells can even be regenerated.
“The investigational combinations of these medications could possibly allow patients to decrease or no longer need to inject insulin to keep their blood levels under proper control,̶