Posts Tagged ‘type 2 diabetes risk’

Stress In The Workplace A Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factor

Stress In The Workplace A Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factor

Too much stress is not good for your health. Excessive stress in the workplace has been linked to a number of health conditions such as heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases. Researchers from the Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen – German Research Centre for Environmental Health suggest that too much stress may also be associated with Type 2 diabetes risk. They found some convincing evidence regarding the l
Coffee Can Lower Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Coffee Can Lower Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Many people like to drink coffee. It is considered one of the more popular beverages in the world. Aside from the usual reasons why people like to drink them, it seems that coffee may have other benefits to offer. Researchers indicate that drinking coffee may help lower type 2 diabetes risk. A new large US study seems to indicate that drinking coffee can lower a person’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Re
Diabetes Linked to Melatonin Secretion While Sleeping

Diabetes Linked to Melatonin Secretion While Sleeping

Researchers from the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston have found an association between the increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes and decreased melatonin secretion. The study results indicated that the participants that secreted the least melatonin in their bloodstream during sleep experienced twice the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.  The findings have been published in a JAMA study this mo